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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-06-02  来源:zzzyyyxxxzzz  作者:瓷都信息港  浏览次数:818

蝴蝶面100克(100g farfalle noodles)
西芹30克(30g celery)
小黄瓜30克(30g Chinese cucumber)
胡萝卜30克(30g carrot)
生菜30克(30g iceberg lettuce)
玉米粒1大匙(1T corn kernels)


盐少许(a pinch of salt)
橄榄油1大匙(1T olive oil)
柠檬汁1大匙(1T lemon juice)
糖1茶匙(1t fructose)
橄榄油2大匙(2T olive oil)
盐1/2茶匙(1/2t salt)
红酒醋1大匙(1T red vinegar wine)
蒜粉少许(garlic powder as needed)
洋葱粉少许(onion powder as needed)
胡椒粉少许(pepper as needed)
辣椒粉少许(chili powder as needed)
茴香、罗勒、百里香各少许(fennel,basil and thyme as needed)





1.Add a little salt and 1/2T of olive oil to half pot of water,cook noodles in until done and remove to soak in ice water to cool.Remove and drain first, then stir in 1/2T of olive oil to mix.

2.Rinse celery,cucumber and carrot well,then cut into small pieces.Rinse lettuce well and tear into small pieces with hands,then soak in ice water for some time.Remove and drain well.

3.Combine seasoning(2) well to make dressing.

4.Combine all ingredients and dressing well. Remove to plate and serve.



Many kinds of spices are utilized in this delicious noodle dish.Try it!

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